Bookish tattoos and my favourite tv show | The Liebster Award πŸŒ°πŸ‚


Dear reader,

Over the past month I’ve been nominated not only once, butΒ twice, for the Liebster Award. Needless to say I’m incredibly grateful! I’ve been nominated by two amazing book bloggers who are NoΓ©mie and Marta, and I would highly recommend for you all to go and read what they are writing. I’m following both and have been loving all their blog posts and recommendations! Thank you again, girls!

Without further ado, let’s answer some questions for the Liebster Award!


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, provide a link to their blog and display the award.
  2. Answer 11 questions they asked you.
  3. Come up with your own 11 questions.
  4. And lastly, tag some bloggers!


  • If you were to get a book-related tattoo, what would you choose?

Growing up I always wanted tattoos. The sad thing is that I can’t have one. Because of my diabetes my body doesn’t know how to cicatrise and therefor if I had a tattoo it would look awful on my body. However I still know what I always wanted to have inked on my body as it never changed: the Orion constellation on my ankle, and two bookish tattoos. Obviously I would want the deathly hallows symbol on my neck and the quote “We live and breathe words.” under my chest.

  • What are your top three favourite tropes (in books, movies, shows…) ?

To be completely honest, I’m a sucker for tropes! I never minded reading or watching an over used one. If I had to have three favourites I believe the first one would have to be ennemies to lovers (I mean, I was writing a dramione fan fiction when I was a teenager), friends to lovers (okay I’m a sucker for all the romance it seems) and the secret heir to the throne one.

  • What is your latest favourite music album?

If we talk about albums and albums only, then it has to beΒ Hadestown. I’m a huge musicals nerd and have been listening to this one for the past few months. If you haven’t listened to it yet, please do! Please suffer with all of us!

  • If you could use one of the magical systems from any book, which one would you pick and why?

Is it clichΓ© if I answer the magical system inΒ Harry Potter? Because I really want to go to Beaux BΓ’tons and learn how to brew potions and how to change a rat in a pen and all that fun stuff!

  • How do you choose which book you’re going to read next?

I’m a mood reader, so I tend to choose a book which simply appeals me. I also tend to read depending on the season: for example it’s currently the spooky season so I’m reading tons of fantasy books, those who has creepy vibes and everything spooky. But if I want to read something else, something which isn’t creepy for Halloween for instance, then I’ll do it. I just go with my mood and what I’m craving at the moment.

  • What is your favourite tv show and why?

My favourite tv show is Stranger Things, and I don’t truly know why. I mean, it’s cute and a tad creepy and I adore the storyline. It gives me major E.T. vibes, which is a movie I loved as a child, and always brings me back to my favourite season, which is the spooky one (I’m an October child). It’s just the cutest tv show which a soft creepy background.

  • What form of storytelling do you love, aside from novels?

I love graphic novels, comics, movies and tv shows! I’m not a huge fan of mangas and I don’t listen to podcasts, but I usually tend to eat tons of stories each month thanks to all of those.

  • Who are your favourite authors?

It’s always so hard for me to only choose a few because it tends to change all the time but I believe Cassandra Clare could be on the list because I own 49 books written by her. I would add V. E. Schwab to the list when it comes to modern literature. I would also include Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy, because I have yet to be disappointed by something they wrote. And maybe Balzac and Hugo? It’s too hard!

  • What book character do you feel you are most similar to?

Definitely Cath from FangirlΒ because we basically had the same first year of university and Julian fromΒ The Dark Artifices because he is a Slytherin (fight me on this) and could be demisexual like I am.

  • If you could travel to a fictional universe for a vacation, what destination would you choose?

I would love to go to the London Institute (part of theΒ ShadowhuntersΒ world) for many, many reasons, which would be too spoilery to share.

  • What movie have you seen multiple times, and why?

I saw Spider-Man:Β HomecomingΒ way too many times because this movie is a part of myself and I always go back to it when in needs of comfort.



  • What was your favourite childhood book?

I’m once again a clichΓ©, butΒ Harry Potter. It’s the first book I ever read, I read it when I was 5 years old, and I grew up with this story. It made my childhood magical, especially when I was stuck for months at the hospital.

  • What’s the prettiest cover you’ve ever seen?

I have pretty simple and minimalistic tastes, so I have to go with any covers of The Secret History. I mean, you can buy any copies and you’ll still end up with a gorgeous cover which will make your bookstagram pictures look classier than ever.

  • Are you a fast or slow reader?

I am definitely a fast reader. I read between 100 and 150 pages per hour, so it’s a really good amount of pages. I’m convinced I taught myself to read fast though, because I used to read way slower, especially in English (it used to take me two weeks to finish a 400 pages book written in English). Just like any sports I kept training, reading and reading and reading, until I reached this point of 100 pages per hour.

  • If you had to choose between reading your favourite book over and over and over again and never other books or never come across, and therefore never getting around to read what is now your favourite book, what would you choose?

This is way too hard! I think I would have to go with the second option because it’d be sad to never ever read anything else than my favs but… *frustration*

  • What’s your advice regarding blogging?

Read what others write, comment on others blog post and try to post at least once a week. I’m not the perfect blogger but that helped me being more involved in the community!


I’m going with the same people I tagged last time, so sorry about that!

Roxanne |Β NoΓ©mie |Β Lucie |Β Kelly

Here are your questions: (Going with 5 like Marta did)

  • What would be the Hogwarts house of your favourite fictional character?
  • Help, I’m in a slump. Which book would you recommend?
  • Do you use bookmarks? Or do you use anything you have under your hand?
  • Recommend us three books which would be perfect for Halloween!
  • Why do you blog?

And that’s it!

Tell me: What is your advice regarding blogging? And which character do you think looks a lot like you?

Love always,




12 thoughts on “Bookish tattoos and my favourite tv show | The Liebster Award πŸŒ°πŸ‚”

  1. it sucks you can’t get tattoos! i’ve definitely thought a lot about getting one and i’m sure if i ever did, it would be related to aristotle and dante – my favorite book ever -, but i can never settle on a design. i don’t know if i should just get a quote or some type of doodle that reminds me of the book.
    i’d also have to choose harry potter for the magical system. it’s the most well crafted one i’ve ever seen, i think! when my family went to universal and visited the harry potter parks, my sister bought the wand that allowed you to do spells in front of window shops and such. it was so much fun and totally magical! i couldn’t help but wish they were real and i could do stuff like that in real life.
    also 49 books by cassandra clare!!!#(! she has written A LOT and i don’t think i’ve ever realized it until now, lol.
    loved your answers, clara!


    1. Oh an A&D tattoo would be so cute! If you ever end up doing it please keep us updated πŸ˜€
      I’m glad you also love the magical system in HP! It sure is well done and well thought, we can’t take that away from J.K. Rowling. I wish I could to Universal!
      Omg Cassie wrote way too many books for us to count haha!
      Thank you for reading Lais ❀


  2. Thank you so much for answering, Clara! It’s lovely to see your love for Harry Potter, no matter how clichΓ© it might seem πŸ˜› Unlike everyone else, I didn’t read it until I was 14/15, but it helped to go through a bad phase of my life, for which I’m thankful. Now, it seems to be everything I talk about irl, my friends find me annoying xD And 100-150 pages per hour is very impressive! I’d have to count my reading, because I don’t know how many pages per hour I’m able to read, but definitely way less than you! I used to be faster, but nowadays everything distracts me ))):
    I’d LOVE to get a tattoo, bookish or not, but I’m not the biggest fan of needles tbh! Besides, every time I look up tattoos online, I keep changing my mind, so I’m terribly scared of choosing something I might regret later hahaha


    1. You still grew up with HP! I mean, we’re pretty much children at 14/15 haha!
      Tbh reading really is a sport and if you ever stop “training” then you loose in speed! I hope you’ll find a way to be less distracted in the future ❀
      Ah the inevitable choice! Getting a tattoo must be nerve wrecking tbh haha!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah congratulations on the award, Clara ❀ I loved reading your answers and I love your ideas for tattoos, it's so bad you can't get one. I wouldn't get one either, ever, because I wouldn't be able to handle it haha. And the friends to lovers trope ahhh, I love that one so much, one of my favorites for sure ❀


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