My autumn bucket list 2019 🍂🦇


Dear reader,

Last year I came up with my autumn bucket list because fall is my favourite season and, like Aerosmith put so well, I didn’t want to miss a thing. Ever since I’ve been doing it for every season (or tried to) and it’s been a blast to check on it every so and then, to see what I’ve been doing and if I’ve been making the most out of every season.

Here is why I’m presenting you today my autumn bucket list for 2019!

  • Finish watching Gilmore Girls 💻
  • Read at least one gothic literature novel 📕
  • Make myself a spooky TBR 📚
  • Watch It and It 2 with my best friend 🎥
  • Take pictures of dead leaves 🍁
all the photos come from Pinterest
  • Read in a café while it’s raining outside (while drinking a PSL) ☕️
  • Having a chill day at home 🧖‍♀️
  • Rewatch a Harry Potter movie 🔮
  • Re-read Dracula and Vicious 🧛‍♂️
  • Celebrate my birthday at Disneyland and at a tea house 🎡
all the photos come from Pinterest
  • Go to a pumpkin patch 🎃
  • Buy myself more autumnal clothes 🧣
  • Spend an afternoon in a museum 🏛
  • Study at the library 📄
  • Explore Paris more often 🌆

This year I really wanted my bucket list to be reasonable and mostly do-able. Last year it was all over the place and I couldn’t most of the things I had in mind. I truly hope I’ll get to do all those this year though!

What is on your autumn bucket list this year? What is one thing you really want to do?

Love always,


thebookwormofnotredame (45)

19 thoughts on “My autumn bucket list 2019 🍂🦇”

  1. This is such a lovely list, Clara! I hope you manage to do all! ❤ I've never been to Disneyland (even tho I really want to), but I hope you have tons of fun if you go there for your birthday. I was also thinking about creating a spooky TBR but I don't really stick to them. Besides, I'm going abroad this semester and I bet I'll be busy all the time and I don't think I'll have lots of free time to read. So it's better not to set reading goals …


    1. Thank you so much, Marta! ❤
      I have an annual pass for Disneyland, so it's always fun to go there. I hope you'll be able to go someday, wherever you live!
      Have fun abroad omg! Always wanted to study abroad but I didn't have enough money for it, so I'm always happy to see others doing it 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I never thought I’d be able to study abroad for financial reasons either, and because my mother didn’t really like the idea. I’m thankful my faculty offers a scholarship (it’s not a lot but at least it helps). I hope you get to travel a lot, then ❤ An annual pass for Disneyland sounds really cool! If I lived near, I'd probably be there every weekend hahaha


  2. Ahhh this is SUCH a cute bucket list!! I hope you get the chance to explore Paris more and go to Disneyland (Are you talking about the Disneyland IN Paris??) I haven’t had a PSL in a long time too so hopefully I will get the chance to try it. Best of luck on this lovely list, Clara ❤


  3. This is such a fun idea, hun! ❤ I haven't even thought about creating seasonal bucket lists, but now I will be making one for sure. And I love how you included some very doable things, but also the ones that bring joy and highlight autumn so well, like taking photos of dead leaves or reading at a cafe while it rains outside. I love this!


  4. That’s such a lovely list! I’m big on seasonal bucket list as well 🍂 I already had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season and I’m always craving more as it makes me feel all cozy inside 🙂 I also like to read when it’s raining outside – it’s really magical somehow ✨


  5. I love your bucket list, Clara! These are all such awesome ideas! I for one seriously need to watch Gilmore Girls! I’ve only watched the first few episodes of the first season! *hides in shame* Reading in a cafe with a PSL as it rains outside sounds like a must-do for this season! Best of luck with all of these, love! ❤


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